Under tre dagars konferens ”The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare” i Göteborg deltog ett 30-tal patienter och samtalade med människor från hela världen som vill förbättra hälso- och sjuvkården. PEP-Square var en monter för Professional Experienced Person.
Under dagarna spelades det in Spetspodd – lyssna här >>>
Dessutom delade patienterna för först gången ut ”Patient Choice Award” med motiveringen:
The jury’s motivation:
Donald Berwick often talks about how he is convinced thathealthcare systems would be much better to meet the needs of the people they serve if healthcare professionals stopped acting as hosts in the healthcare system and start acting as if they are guestsin their patients’ lives. We like that thought.
But sometimes we as patients are guests in the healthcare system and at those times, we want to be seen as the individuals we areand not just “the kidney on ward 3”.
The winners of the Patients’ Choice Award of 2022 showed us the possibilities of working in interdisciplinary teams to improve hospital stays. With presentations from different countries and and a genuine patient perspective in all phases of the work.
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